.. _`Hold value Table`: .. _`org.sysess.sympathy.data.table.holdvaluetable`: Hold value Table ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. image:: drop_nan.svg :width: 48 Replace occurences of nan in cells by the last non-nan value from the same column. **Documentation** Replace occurences of nan in cells by the last non-nan value from the same column. **Definition** *Input ports* :: table Input Table *Output ports* :: table Output Table with NaN replaced *Configuration*: **Select columns** (columns) Select columns. .. automodule:: node_holdvaluetable :noindex: .. class:: HoldValueTable :noindex: **Related nodes** * :ref:`org.sysess.sympathy.data.table.holdvaluetables` * :ref:`org.sysess.sympathy.data.table.dropnantable` **Example flows** * :download:`HoldValueTable.syx `